Rest stop with historic views. Enjoy your packed lunch at a picnic spot with a view of the border history.
In the middle of the village of Københoved you will find a nice place to rest - a picnic spot, which we call places with tables/benches, history and nature within easy reach. At the T-junction between Københovedvej and Skravevej, there is a small triangular rest area. There are tables/benches, trash can and information boards.
The very special thing about the place is that you sit right across from the rest home Bennetgård, which is the only one of its kind in the world. The old farm in the middle of the village of Københoved has been converted into a residence for Danish-minded Schleswigians - i.e. those who did not come to belong to Denmark in the referendum in 1920 - Danish-minded people who came to live south of the current border. They have the option of a 2-week stay at the rest home. You can find more about that story via this link. Take a look down Skravevej north of Bennetgård and notice the boulder wall. It is completely without windows, because the German gendarmes were not to be able to keep up with the activities of the locals until 1920, when the area south of the Kongeå was German. The Germans thought that the area should be German at heart, but the citizens felt Danish.
The natural ice plain on this picnic gem is the oak tree that stands the triangle. The oak tree is a typical Danish tree, which hosts many different other species - about 800 different ones - animals, fungi and insects.