Enjoy a Tree of Life – one of them stands at the Witch's Bridge, where Jels Midtsø and Jels Nedersø are connected by a short "stream". Trees of life host a rich animal and plant life and contribute to a great diversity of species in the Danish Nature Agency's forests.
The tree of life here west of the Witch's Bridge and out to the Ancient Road's hiking route is an old oak tree, 3 fathoms thick and with the roots firmly planted in the ground. Not so easy to tip off the stick (in fact, so big that it was a bit of a hassle to take a picture – you have to think about the top). Oak trees can live up to 1000 years, so this oak tree may have seen other Hærvej travelers than you?
The tree has had plenty of space and plenty of light, and has therefore been able to develop large, low-slung branches that extend far beyond the edge of the reeds of the Lower Lake.
It is the Danish Nature Agency that is behind the concept of Trees of Life. Trees that are designated as Trees of Life must be at least 25 cm thick measured at chest height (1.3 meters above the ground), there is no requirement for tree type, and old oak trees such as this and other old deciduous trees with atypical features are typically designated, as well as trees with fungi, lichens or mosses. They are all trees that are vital for biodiversity in forests. The trees are protected so that they are allowed to grow old and die and fall over on the forest floor, the trees of life are protected so that they can become ancient and house rare and endangered species until they die and fall over on the forest floor. These include fungi, mosses, lichens, insects, burrowing birds and mammals such as bats.
We have very few old trees left in Denmark. And it's not that our trees can't get old: The beech can live to be over 300 years old and the oak more than 1000 years old, but 200 years ago there was very little forest in Denmark.
Look at all three pictures above - there is a way to recognize, both if you are coming from Jels - to the west and if you are on the way to Jels - to the east.
To the Ancient Road's hiking route: 0 meters.